Doing life is not easy, I mean, what is? Especially if you have to balance something; like Consistency and Intensity.
Intensity is the extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling. It’s like exercising for 5 hours, full force - lift, run, jump, and expect to get into shape. Did it work? No. It did absolutely nothing. This unfortunate routine happens with diets, exercise routines, saving money, and many other growth areas of life. The enthusiasm that gets us started actually becomes our worst enemy.
I think most of us know what being consistent means. But let’s be thorough and define it, being consistent means, dedicating yourself to your goals and staying focused on the things and activities to achieve your goals.
Getting back into our example, working out every single day for 20 minutes, will you get into shape? Absolutely! You got to do it every single day to expect results.
Create a routine that is easy, practical, and enjoyable. Why? Because the easier and more enjoyable the activity, the more likely you are to stick to it over the long run. It works because the worst thing that can happen to your diet, your exercise, your savings, or your business is that you stop. You can have the fastest start, the most potential, and the best strategies, but if you stop, you lose. It’s plain and simple.
Consistency isn’t glamorous, it isn’t exciting, and it sure as heck isn’t easy.
BUT, consistency is what gets results.

Love this!!
Staying consistent while increasing intensity overtime will increase your ability/skill and that will lead to amazing achievements that one probably didn’t expect they could do
I could use a more “air tight” routine. Im so busy nowadays trying to balance life with my goals I sometimes loose focus. Giving importance to something else for the moment. Thanks [@Germaine Rose] for sharing Queen 👏🏽👏🏽💯📬