Want to gain confidence in your speech and take your 30-second elevator pitch to the next floor?
Reach new heights by joining our unique networking practice event, where we create connections, share, and laugh together. We guide you through an icebreaker and writing prompts based on a new theme each week, then we use this material to verbally share our upgraded unique pitch.
As an attendee, you should feel inspired by others' ways of speaking about their style and expertise. You will be able to be heard when you share your business in creative ways. With this shared power, you will feel like you've had a chance to connect with yourselves and with fun people.
In Creative Company is a Creative Agency / Creative Collective hybrid led by 4 active networkers who have found success through the BNI Global Network and other networking groups. These leaders are constantly networking to connect their fellow collective members with clients in need of their creative services. Yelle, Drea, Ozi, and Arielle have found that the key to success is to combine professionalism with creativity.
Monday, February 07, 05:00 PM - 05:45 PM
Free on Zoom
We start in 2 hours! Join us.
Hey y’all this is tomorrow! It’s a free event that could help you pitch yourself better. Register now at https://www.increative.co/events
thanks Yelle